Where Secrets Reside got a wonderful review on Ms M’s Bookshelf, a blog site all about books. Thank you, Ms M!

Here’s the beginning of the review:

Where Secrets Reside by Susan Finlay

There certainly are lots of secrets in this story. It’s hard to find anyone in this large cast of characters who isn’t hiding something — some of them have kept their secrets through several generations of family in their small, fictitious, troglodyte village of Reynier, in France.

For people who haven’t read the first book in The Outsiders series, In The Shadows, you will fairly quickly pick up on who’s who in the village beginning with the village derelict, Bruno Houdan, to the two grandmothers, Fabienne Laurent and Jeannette Devlin, who love to gossip and meddle. I’m generally a big fan of mysteries that have crime scene floor plans, maps, or lists of characters preceding the story, but I found the very long list of characters (I think it’s just about everyone in the village of Reynier plus a few from the neighbouring larger town of Belvidere) rather tedious (something like the long passages of begats in the Old Testament) and gave up on it part-way through trusting I would pick it all up along the way. Which I did without too much difficulty.

You can read the rest of the review here: