We can proudly announce that A Fatal Exception is now available on Amazon as ebook and paperback!

Get it here: https://amzn.to/2xvdrzc

In a bleak future where daily smog warnings are routine and the politicians are dirtier than the environment, the people of Chicago turn to private investigators like Seven Sinclair when they want a case solved right. Seven isn’t like most detectives since he’s an android. He’s not like most androids either. He’s quirky and brazen and he’s not chained down by the government-imposed privacy regulations.

Sergeant Antonio Rizzo is a good cop in a corrupt town, and he’s getting too old for the job. He despises technology, and the robot is like the personification of his object of hatred.

When Seven’s investigation into a simple hack leads to murder and all evidence points to him, he’s forced to catch the true killer while he tries to stay out of Rizzo’s crosshairs.